Positions and Values
Public Education
Every child in NH deserves access to a strong public school that prepares them to thrive. It is our civic responsibility, as well as sound economic policy, to ensure our tax dollars adequately fund New Hampshire's public schools and provide New Hampshire students with a quality public education. School vouchers lack accountability, allow our tax dollars to flow out of state, and undermine public education.
Reproductive Healthcare and Rights
Everyone should have the freedom to make personal healthcare decisions, including when and if to have a family, without political interference. I will work to restore and safeguard access to abortion, reproductive health care, in vitro fertilization, and contraception. I will vote to restore state funding to family planning centers which provide NH residents with healthcare, cancer screenings, birth control, and STD prevention and treatment.

NH Economy, Labor, and Business
I grew up in a middle class family, owned a business, and know both successful businesses and well-compensated workers are key to a vibrant economy. Unions, pay equity, benefits, safety, job security, and labor laws all help attract and maintain a thriving workforce that will attract entrepreneurs and help local businesses grow with a stable supply of labor. In order to attract labor and business, I will also promote policies that improve living conditions: education, childcare, energy costs, and affordable housing.
Lower Property Taxes for Affordable Housing
State legislators have given huge tax breaks to the wealthy and big business, but downshifted expenses to our taxpayers and towns. This has resulted in burdensomely high property taxes, high rent, and housing costs difficult to afford at any age. New Hampshire has the second oldest population in the nation because of lack of affordable housing, high property taxes, and underfunded public education. Our economy has been stifled by these flawed measures. I will support legislation that reduces property taxes which will make home rental and ownership more affordable.
The Environment and Energy
Clean energy technology will create jobs and protect New Hampshire's natural beauty for future generations. I will support environmental and energy policies that promote a strong jobs economy while reducing energy costs. Every Granite Stater deserves access to clean air, clean drinking water, and affordable energy.
Health Care
I worked in health care my entire professional life, and view access to affordable health care as a human right. I believe in collaborating with the science, experience, and professionalism of health care providers. I will vote to take advantage of government funding to augment NH's healthcare and alleviate hunger. I will advocate for mental health and substance abuse care and treatment. Social Security and Medicare are earned benefits - not entitlements - and must be protected.
Freedom from Discrimination
Every Granite Stater deserves equal rights and freedom from discrimination without regard to their race, ethnicity, religious belief, disability, immigration status, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. I will vote for measures that protect equal rights and freedom from discrimination.
I support the legalization of cannabis with the proper regulation and taxation.
Oldak for NH